Our Company

Our mission is to deliver clean, reliable and affordable power to the world, today and tomorrow.

To date, we have completed the development of approximately 11 GWp of solar and 3.7 GWh of battery storage projects across six continents. Recurrent Energy’s power services business has more than 10 GW of contracted projects under long-term operation and maintenance agreements.

Our Core Competencies

An Integrated Team Approach

Recurrent Energy’s project pipeline is driven by the strength of our Development, Real Estate, Interconnection, and Permitting teams, each of which follow a disciplined and targeted approach to site control. We actively filter for development opportunities that minimize or eliminate environmental and permitting issues and have strong, low-cost interconnection options. Significant development dollars are invested early in the process to thoroughly screen projects for potential fatal flaws that would impede a project’s successful completion.

In addition to our development expertise, our success comes from a true commitment to community values. We recognize our projects have a long-term presence in the communities where they are sited, and we seek to foster a long-term community partnership to create a lasting, positive impact.

Our origination & structuring capabilities are a key ingredient of our success. Recurrent Energy excels at using power market power trading tools and analytics to augment our projects’ development progress and align to our customers’ needs. We have a demonstrated history of structuring and customizing power contracts to serve our projects’ stakeholders, from our customers to our investors. To this end, we have executed contract structures from traditional, long-term, fixed-price power purchase agreements to more complex arrangements, such as short-term hedge agreements for individual power products (energy, capacity, and RECs). In every market, we look at adding energy storage to our solar projects to increase the flexibility and value of our power projects. Recurrent Energy has experience working with a variety of counterparties including investor-owned utilities, municipal utilities, community choice aggregators, retail energy providers, corporate and industrial customers, and educational institutions.

We also offer build-own-transfer structures, where we complete development, finance, and build the project for the customer, ultimately transferring an operating project to the counterparty.

Recurrent Energy’s ability to secure capital to support its development pipeline is evidenced by the company’s past success in financing solar projects of formidable size and complexity. With billions of dollars of financings executed—spanning tax equity, sponsor equity, joint ventures, and debt—we have successfully structured sales and financing during all parts of the project life cycle including prior to and at NTP, mid-construction, COD, and during operation. Recurrent Energy has an extensive track record of hundreds of successful transactions and maintains strong relationships with leading banks and investors active in energy finance. These established relationships, coupled with Recurrent Energy’s focus on developing projects to meet the standards of top-tier financiers, allow us to secure capital on market leading terms.

Recurrent Energy has experience executing a wide array of financing structures, and our in-house team arranges all parts of the capital structure. Such capabilities prove extremely valuable in a market with an increasing volume of non-traditional offtakes that require unique transaction structures. With the maturation of the solar and storage industries, the ability to harness power trading analysis, structured power products, and creative project finance is crucial to project success.

Equipment pricing for solar and battery storage projects fluctuates regularly, impacted by geopolitical considerations, raw materials constraints and technological improvements, among other factors. The dynamic nature of the equipment market, which largely drives the overall cost of a project, demonstrates the importance of savvy procurement to a project’s success. Expertise, relationship and capabilities are critical to ensure realistic cost assumptions, to avoid fatal flaws and appropriately price project energy output.

Rather than sole-sourcing equipment supply, Recurrent Energy has a robust and diverse supply chain that ensures a broad selection of modules and batteries is available for the projects in the company’s portfolio. We deliver the highest level of project viability by eliminating sole-source risk and using bankable, low-risk technology. Additionally, as a subsidiary of Canadian Solar, Recurrent Energy has unique access to Canadian Solar’s leading module manufacturing capacity and battery storage integration capabilities.

Recurrent Energy has self-performed EPC for its projects and for customers and has also employed EPC contractors. Our integrated in-house team collaborates to filter bids for key performance metrics and to ensure compliance with existing agreements. Recurrent Energy’s in-house attorneys bolsters these efforts with a strong contractual foundation that isolates projects from risk during construction.

Recurrent Energy has a track record of using diverse suppliers and contracting with small businesses, including disabled veteran-owned, minority-owned, and women-owned businesses, for procurement and labor whenever possible. In addition, we seek to utilize local community services and local labor as much as possible.

We consistently deliver above expectations based on the value, expertise and bankability that we provide. We offer our clients O&M contracts to fit their needs, from basic services such as preventative maintenance to a premium performance guarantee package solution. Historically, our plants under O&M have had an availability guarantee (AG) of over 99%.

Our NERC registered Operations Control Center in Guelph, Ontario provides global 24/7/365 remote monitoring, diagnostics and troubleshooting. We use proprietary algorithms to analyze the performance of the plant on a daily basis and pinpoint potential problems even if they are not reported by the SCADA system. We have leveraged years of operational data from all of our PV plants under O&M to develop these algorithms.

Preventative maintenance is also prioritized, with routine inspections conducted frequently. These actions enable us to maximize output and revenue generated from projects.

Learn more about our O&M service offerings and capabilities.

Recurrent Energy’s trained asset management professionals develop customized O&M plans for every project to ensure every project we develop operates properly throughout its life. We use metering, sensing and data analysis technologies to monitor, analyze, and respond to critical events that impact daily energy production. By analyzing production data against a rich set of production metrics, we continuously verify the production performance against performance baselines and financial models. The team also tracks outages and degradation and diagnoses root causes.

Recurrent Energy has been a leader in the global energy storage market since 2014, evaluating technologies, monitoring costs and building relationships with suppliers across the energy storage supply chain. Recurrent Energy takes a technology agnostic approach to selecting energy storage technologies, focusing on bankability and finance ability among technologies and manufacturers. We aim to choose proven partners that bring top of market performance and guarantees while leveraging our experience and buying power as Recurrent Energy, and as part of Canadian Solar, for competitive supply agreements.

Recurrent’s diverse team of experienced storage professionals are well versed in the many aspects of utility scale storage development, design and engineering. Recurrent actively develops both standalone and solar-plus-storage projects. Thoughtful design, optimization, and power contract structuring are key to unlocking the value storage provides for reducing energy price risk and increasing flexibility and resiliency. Collectively the team has been responsible for contracting and deploying over 3.7 GWh of energy storage.

In the Community

We recognize that our projects have a long-term presence in the communities where they are sited, and we seek to foster long-term community partnerships to create a lasting, positive impact. We are committed to supporting local community organizations through donations and sponsorships. In addition, we regularly collaborate with local community partners to ensure that local residents have access to employment opportunities created by our projects.

Every project and community is unique, so our team works closely with local stakeholders to answer questions and address concerns.

Corporate Sustainability

In addition to developing, owning, and operating energy projects that reduce emissions, Recurrent Energy is committed to sustainable practices in our operations. 

The sustainability strategies, practices, and performance of Canadian Solar, our parent company, and Recurrent Energy are outlined and examined in the annual environmental, social, and governance (ESG) report. The ESG report serves as a transparent account of our efforts to integrate sustainability into every aspect of our business.